Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Push ups

1. Lie down with hands at the level of your shoulder.
2. Keep yur legs absolutely straight
3. Keep your arms fixed and slowly start moving up. Keep your back straight!
4. Lower body slowly towards the ground. Your arms should bend but still keep your body and back straight
5. Repeat!

This excercise requires no use of equipment. Push ups can be done anywhere and prove to be veyr rewarding. Every body builder or weightrainer should do proper push ups regularly!

Monday, November 19, 2007


Weightlifting should not be done everyday! You should do it every alternative day. For example one day of weight lifting and next day running or jogging and so forth.

Some weight lifters do it 2-3 times a week. As long as good workout is achieved 2-3 times a week is fine for making muscles. Just don't quit after starting because that will hurt your muscles!

Flat bench press

Flat Bench Press

1. Lie flat on a bench, feet firmly on the floor. Make sure that your back, shoulders, and head are firmly positioned on the bench.

2. Roll your shoulders back and down so the shoulder blades are firmly pressed against the bench and the chest is sticking up.

3. Lift the bar off the rack and hold it above you with your arms straight up and extended.

4. Lower the bar down to your chest until it either touches your chest or comes within an inch or so away.

5. Press the bar straight up until arms are extended.

Nutrition: What to eat and how much?

If you are going to start weighlifting you probabaly know that having the right diet means a lot to a weight trainer. In fact 30% of work is done by excercise and the rest by food, liquids and routine habits! So right eating is very important!

Here are a list of foods you should eat on daily basis:

Foods and liquids marked with * are mandatory and should be taken on daily basis, others are optional.

1. *Fruits( Apples, Oranges, Tangerines, Pineapples)
2. Protein Shakes ( Provide a daily supplement of proteins and lots of other vitamins)

3. *Vegetables ( Brocolli, kidney beans, soy beans, green peppers, tomatoes, egg plant)

4. Eggs( Good sourve of protein; should be eaten if protein shakes are not available or allegic)

5. *Milk( Provides calcium to bones and other vitamins! 1-2 glasses everyday)

6. Vitamin tablets- You should only consider this if you have defficiency of any vitamins

7. *Juice- Most natural orange juices provide full day supplement of vitamin C and some vitamin A, You should drink juice regularly if you don't eat oranges or Vitamin C tablets.

Here you have it.... Remember start to change your diet slowly or your body will not able to cooperate with the sudden changes in diet!!!